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About Us

About Auto Telos

We are a group of passionate people who enjoy purposeful play. Started as a hobby in collecting toys for enjoyment, we now make play our business. We played with many toys, especially the moving ones and are often curious with the science concepts behind these toys. We would like to share this joy with more like-minded people by bringing you the toys that have amazed us.

We named our shop ‘Auto Telos’ because, we want our customers while playing our toys, enjoyed what Csikszentmihalyi called " autotelic experience" - from the Greek auto ( self) and telos( goal or purpose). In an autotelic experience, the goal is self-fulfilling, the activity is its own reward. This is exactly how we feel about the toys we play. We are having so much fun with our toys and we think you deserve to enjoy them as well.

Auto Telos is a specialty toy store committed to sharing the best toys and our mission is to provide you with toys that are engaging and spark your imaginations.